Friday, June 7, 2013

Why simply endure life when you can enjoy every moment of it?

June 7, 2013


So you are officially reading the blog of the MTC's District 12C Jello slurp champion! (when you're here this long and have such a similar schedule every day, you come up with some veeeeery creative ways of mixing it up.)

So the Jello slurp goes like this:

Once a week the cafeteria (in true mormon fashion) serves red Jello in those plastic cups that most people use for parties, and the elite-ly frugal use for wedding receptions. You cut out the jello in one big molded clump, and set it upside down on the tray. THEN, you hold back your hair, blow all the air out of your lungs, and try to inhale the entire slab of jello with one gigantic shluuuuurp.

As I am writing this it occurs to me how juvenile this sounds, and in the real world, this may be so. But here in MTC land, you are literally studying for almost every single hour from 6:30-9:30. After a certain point, your brain just reverts back to a second grade level whenever you have a free moment (ex: dinnertime)

anyways. however feeble of an accomplishment this may sound, I was officially the only one who completed the challenge, and have earned the respect of every elder in my district.

Life is an adventure here. It definitely takes a lot of discipline, but I am always learning and growing at a pace that puts miracle-gro to shame. I have birthed a new self-motto that occurred to me while I was having trouble sitting in a teeeeeeeeeeeeeny classroom for 3+ hours at a time. The missionary purpose is

"invitar a las personas a vinir al Cristo, al ayudarlas que reciben el evangelio resturado mediente la fe in Jesucristo y su expiacion, el arrepentamiento, el bautismo, la recepcion del don del Espiritu Santo, y el perservarar hasta al fin."

.....yeah sorry, I only have it memorized in Spanish. But the last part is "endure to the end." ---I've always heard that phrase, and It has seemed so bleak and dismal to me. Like life is a drudgery. so While I was studying, the thought hit me "don't endure to the end, ENJOY to the end."

As soon as it came into my mind I knew that this is what i need to learn how to do in my life. Why simply endure life when you can enjoy every moment of it? I've really been trying to do that this week, and It's definitely made me happier. 

On a weirder note, I have OFFICIALLY been in the MTC for a Month! That means that my mission is no longer 18 months, it's 17! Mind. Bended. I get my travel plans today, and in less than two weeks I'm jetted off to sunny So Cal! I'm excited to fly because I figure the plane can't crash while there's a missionary on it.

I love you, I adore you, I don't miss you but that's just because my mind is occupied with Spanish and the gospel 90% of the time, and the other 8 % of the time I can't even think because the fire alarm when off while I was in the shower, and it echoed so loud that my ears almost bled. Seriously though. The shower is the one place where it should be softer, i're surrounded by water! Still recovering but just in case, mom, dad, look into getting me a handicap-parking permit.

love you!
Hermana Thomas

1 comment:

  1. "Mormon Jello" is GREEN. As a dessert served w CoolWhip, as a salad with mandarin oranges (and more CoolWhip although old- timers still use a dollop of Mayo). "Mormon punch" is RED. Served in large water pitchers on every table. These are the dietary truths. Hold fast.
